The Importance of Cold Food Storage in Austin, MN, via Minnesota Freezer Warehouse Company

When you operate a restaurant or grocery food store, it’s important to focus your efforts on having quality cold food storage. This means that food items you order need to be delivered via temperature controlled methods as well as stored on-site in a quality setting once they arrive. Cold food storage for your Austin, MN, business can mean the difference between successful sales or low food shortage. It is essential that you ensure your food items are stored properly during transport as well as once they arrive on-site.

Why Temperature Control is Important

Whether you operate a restaurant or grocery store, temperature control is important. You already know this due to regulations for storing foods as well as food prep. When it comes to cold foods, there are also regulations in place and temperature settings that must be followed in order to see the food items remain cold or frozen, while in route to your facility as well as once they arrive. By working with a quality transport company, you can rest easy knowing that your latest order will arrive at the right temperature and stay cold, which is perfect for using for meals or sales in your facility.

A top-rated transport company has the right trucks for moving the product as well as storage warehouses for housing the goods before they reach your facility. Temperature control is important in these environments as well. The temperature should be set accordingly so that the cold food storage in Austin, MN, works in your favor. You will be able to order new items with peace of mind knowing each cold item will be stored correctly and transported accordingly.

When you need help with the transport of frozen, refrigerated or dry products, contact Minnesota Freezer Warehouse Company. With years of experience in the transport and warehousing industry, we can provide you with the quality services needed to keep your items cold and temperature controlled for the duration of travel as well as in warehousing. When you are in need of such services, contact our office to find out how we can assist you. We can be reached via telephone at (844) 373-1477.


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Albert Lea
820 E. 13th Street
PO Box 86
Albert Lea, MN 56007-0086

PHONE: 507-373-1477
TOLL FREE: 844-373-1477
FAX: 507-373-2174

1907 14th Street N.E.
P.O. Box 475
Austin, Minnesota 55912-0475

PHONE: 507-437-1982
FAX: 507-437-1892