Speed and efficiency are two important features of any productive supply chain. One way to achieve these attributes is by employing the services of a cross dock warehouse. If you are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of the shipping and storage industries, you may be unfamiliar with this particular concept. Read on to learn what a cross dock warehouse is, and how it can be used to improve supply chain efficiency.
What is Cross Docking?
Simply put, cross docking is a procedure that involves shipping products directly from the manufacturer to the distributor without any lengthy storage periods along the way. This procedure takes place at a cross dock warehouse, where a shipment is received, and then unloaded, sorted, and reloaded directly onto outbound vehicles without going through a storage period (or in some cases, after a very brief storage period).

Common Cross Docking Processes
There are a few specific processes that are commonly carried out at cross dock warehouses.
⦁ Hub and Spoke: In the “hub and spoke” process, a cross docking warehouse acts as a central site for similar products from different shipments to be sorted, combined, and delivered to multiple destinations.
⦁ Consolidation Arrangements: Sometimes cross docking involves combining multiple smaller product loads into one larger load for cheaper, more efficient transportation.
⦁ Deconsolidation Arrangements: Sometimes, cross docking involves breaking a large product load into several smaller loads before transporting them, to make the delivery process easier for the customer to whom product is being shipped.

Benefits of Cross Docking
Utilizing a cross dock warehouse can be beneficial in a variety of ways. For example, cross docking speeds up the delivery process and helps prevent supply chain issues. It can also save companies a good deal of money by reducing labor and storage costs.
Additionally, cross docking is a smart way to ship temperature sensitive products that need to be placed in consumers’ hands as quickly as possible, as it involves very little lead time between shipment and delivery.
If you are in need of cross dock warehouse services in Minnesota, look no further than Minnesota Freezer Warehouse Company. We can help you lower your warehouse costs, increase your order fill rates, and expedite your delivery processes. To learn more about our cross dock warehouse services, call (507) 373-1477 or send an email to info@mwfc-cold.com.